Monday, December 13, 2010

COD Black ops: All RC clan members... Will you accept the call?

Greetings to all Kentucky gamers and especially all those who recognize that the RC clan has risen yet again to dominate the new world of Call of Duty: Black Ops. I posted this website as the official website of our clan on

If you are interested in joining the RC clan there are a few things that you need to do. First you must update or create a login for gamebattles. This has not always went smoothly so if it doesn't work the first time wait a couple hours or the next day. It wouldn't work for me last night and then it did this morning so I think they are working on some bugs within their updated system.

Next make sure you have an xbox live gamertag uploaded on your gamebattles profile. This is important because I can't accept you into the team until you have a gamertag posted.

Finally make sure that you keep looking at your inbox for possible team recruitments. I already have put out requests for several RC clan members who have played with us before. Just keep looking and if you don't see anything just comment me back with your gamerbattles username and I'll make sure that I send it to you quickly.

It's that time again guys and I think we can really have lots of fun with this. I'm hoping to get this working within the week and we can discuss how many times we wanna look for matches. We can pick our specific days that would work and we could have a couple different teams for those who can play on different days. Just want to do my best to accommodate as many people as possible because I remember playing together on COD 4 and I'm sure you all remember how much fun that was for everyone who played together. It's just not as good without guys to play with. So drop me a line on gamerbattles or on here. PEACE!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

You yellow bellied, son of a pole cat!

Got your attention didn't I. If you don't know the lingo then you're either not from the country or you haven't been playing Rockstar's newest game Red Dead Redemption. Let me tell you all that this game is a good contender for game of the year 2010 already. I will say at first I wasn't impressed with the graphics for each person, but when you think about how this game actually plays from a 3rd person perspective, the characters look very real.

The landscapes for this game are breathtaking. You can ride on a stagecoach to other areas of the map and sometimes I feel compelled to actually just watch the landscape as I travel. Very few games make me do that.

The dialogue is pretty spot on, sometimes dialogue is pretty corny, but nothing can be perfect and there are some pretty corny people out in the world as well.

The side-missions and challenges that you can do are actually fun and worth putting your time into. I spent over an hour trying to catch wild game and skinning their pelts for cash. My wife really liked to see that over and over again! (sarcasm)

The only thing I haven't delved into deeply is the multiplayer, which means I need your help. Any Kentucky gamers who wish to get a possee together and save or destroy the old west should comment me either on here or on facebook so we can really enjoy the multiplayer at its finest. I'll give a multiplayer only review soon enough, but until then I'll see y'all later. Yeee Haa!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Kentucky gamers are better!

Hey folks this is Rollianos back to bring you more of the same videogaming news that many Kentucky gamers need to hear about. I've always been a videogamer and so I will use my talents for the good of all Kentucky. I continue to bring rock solid reviews that will make you say man that guy is good, but I also want to work on bringing gamers from all over Kentucky together to share in several different gaming genres so that we all can live in harmony...well maybe chaos depending on the type of game to play.

So first things first, I need to inform you all about the Halo: Reach beta multiplayer. I haven't had this much fun playing Halo since the very first one on Xbox. The gameplay is exactly what Halo has always been like before so I won't get into much detail there. I prefer being able to aim down the sight of my gun, but I guess if you're a Spartan you don't need to aim and still shoot well enough.

The graphics are pretty solid, but maps seem to lack visual detail like we have come to expect from Call of Duty and other such games. Seems that Bungie decided to go with more character detail and weapon detail this time around and I guess if you have to pick one over the other it makes sense. Character customization is a big thing for this new game. There are several different helmet, shoulder plate, and chest plate styles of armor that players may buy through credits gained by playing through the different games. I don't know how this works specifically because get the same range of credit points usually no matter if I win, lose, or are on top.

The scenarios of gameplay is also unique and thrilling. Instead of veto power, players vote on the map and type of game they want to play. Slayer is always a favorite, but new types of games like stockpile are quite thrilling as well. I must say I don't like SWAT too much, but I don't play Halo as often as other games so I guess I'm just not as good with the aiming styles for this game.

I really think this will be a buy guys and gals. I look forward to learning more as I continue playing. Since this is still a BETA you must have Halo 3: ODST to play. If you don't have it you may want to wait, I actually just borrowed the game from a friend so I don't think I'll buy ODST just for the BETA. However, if you have this game for the next few weeks look me up Kentucky gamers and we'll pwn some noobs!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

ACMS Relay for Life Presents (1st Event to Kentucky Gamers)

What: 3 on 3 double elimination basketball tournament. Each team guaranteed 2 games.

When/Where: Friday May 7th at Adair County Middle School Gymnasium. Cost is $50 for a 5 man/woman team. Sign-ins start at 5:30 pm

For more info contact:

Cindy Wells 270-469-0276 or

Chris Reeder 270-250-5528

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Kentucky Sports

I was just recently talking with some friends about how I love to play sports. I know many of you are just like me and love to play as well. It seems that every now and then you will run into a tournament or league that is starting up but it is only by chance that you even hear about it.

How great would it be to have a central place you could come to, for all of this information. Such as "oh there is a 3 on 3 basketball tournament in Russell County", "oh a big relay for life event in Adair County", "a volleyball league is trying to get started" so on and so forth. Well my hope is that and/or the kentuckygamers group I create on facebook will be that place.

I'm always coming up with crazy ideas I just hope this is a good one! I will need help and may not be the best for the job, but if something is going on in Kentucky and you want to let people know about it or your just looking for something to do maybe this will become "the spot" Please be patient as I give this a shot!
So if you have a big event coming up email it to me at and I'll see what I can do to get it on the website!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Patterson Wallpaper

Here is my newest Wallpaper enjoy :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cousins Wallpaper

I will eventually consolidate all these wallpapers but for now here is Big Cuz!

Monday, January 4, 2010

My first attempt at a John Wallpaper :)

Just click on the picture to make larger then right click and set as background :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Kentucky Wallpaper

My hope is to provide some uk wallpapers for use, I borrowed some photos from SI for more check out their website.

Here is one to commemorate our win vs U of L.

John Wall

Maybe I should call this site John, cool video by uk fan this guys got talent!

John Wall Song

Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year!

A New Year brings so much excitement, possibilities are all around us. It is now our choice to either seize the chance or let it glide on by. I hope we all embrace our new chance as we embark on a whole new decade, 2010. I've made a few resolutions some of which I will list in hope that making them public will make them more real and you guys can help me to stay on track.

One of those goals is to read through the bible in the upcoming year and to help with that task I'm using this website maybe it can help you as well. Just click the link below.

Read the bible in a year

(I'm going to try the American Standard Version in Chronological order)

A few other resolutions I'll share:

-Exercise daily (granted a few pushups or situps may be all I do somedays but is still exercising)

-List Movies, Books, and Games, I've watched, read, and played this year

-To lose 20 pounds this year What would be really cool is if someone would take the incentive to create a facebook biggest loser for Russell County or Facebook friends where you can set your goal and keep it updated on Facebook with Facebook friends encouraging you etc. Just a thought if your a Facebook junkie and have the time. (People wouldn't have to list their weight just the pounds they lost or gained and strategies for doing it, just a thought.)