Saturday, May 22, 2010

You yellow bellied, son of a pole cat!

Got your attention didn't I. If you don't know the lingo then you're either not from the country or you haven't been playing Rockstar's newest game Red Dead Redemption. Let me tell you all that this game is a good contender for game of the year 2010 already. I will say at first I wasn't impressed with the graphics for each person, but when you think about how this game actually plays from a 3rd person perspective, the characters look very real.

The landscapes for this game are breathtaking. You can ride on a stagecoach to other areas of the map and sometimes I feel compelled to actually just watch the landscape as I travel. Very few games make me do that.

The dialogue is pretty spot on, sometimes dialogue is pretty corny, but nothing can be perfect and there are some pretty corny people out in the world as well.

The side-missions and challenges that you can do are actually fun and worth putting your time into. I spent over an hour trying to catch wild game and skinning their pelts for cash. My wife really liked to see that over and over again! (sarcasm)

The only thing I haven't delved into deeply is the multiplayer, which means I need your help. Any Kentucky gamers who wish to get a possee together and save or destroy the old west should comment me either on here or on facebook so we can really enjoy the multiplayer at its finest. I'll give a multiplayer only review soon enough, but until then I'll see y'all later. Yeee Haa!

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