Saturday, November 15, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Call of Duty update

Guys here's a quick post to remind all that enjoy Bennett's blog. Come here to see the new RC clan's blogspot. Here we'll post practice times, possible gamerbattle matches, and other things that we need to talk about concerning COD: WAW. Bang Bang

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ah Back to Blogging

Well it has been awhile since I last posted a blog, but believe me I've been through a lot since my last post. So I won't dilly dally and just get to it...

Up first......FABLE II
Rating: 8 out of 10
This is an excellent roleplaying/hack/slash game. The graphics were very well presented and the humor within the game really had me laughing to the point I had to pause the game on a few occasions. I always love the chance to let out my frustrations and actually be a BAD guy. Gameplay was like it has always been. You carry out quests to build up experience and make your character stronger. Controls were simple and easy to master. And the story was not based on the story from the first fable so it would be easy for everyone to get into it. Now why don't I give this game a 9 or a 10 since I'm talking so well about it. Well I won't spoil the ending for you guys, but I will say that it left me more than dissapointed. That and some of the quests and activities seemed mundane. So all in all, I recommend that this game is a buy game. Great for the gaming library and if nothing else good to play through a time or two and take back to Gamestop or something.

Gears of War 2
Rating: 9 out of 10
This will most definitely be one of the greatest games to come out this year. I had a chance to play through the main campaign and I had a lot of good things to mention. The controls seemed to work well and in good placement, much like the last game. The story was put together nicely and it really kept you going throughout the entire campaign. The only downside to this is that I have been left with so many more questions than answers at the end of this game. All the brutality is back and it makes you feel good to cause 5 grubs heads' to explode from your sniper rifle. The weapons were the big thing for me in this game. The heavy mortor and machine gun was awesome to get a hold of. The only reason this game doesn't get a perfect ten is the fact that to me the original Delta team doesn't seem to have a big part in the game. You and Dom work with various other people and Baird and ColeTrain are left out. Other than that an excellent buy and the multiplayer is probably quite awesome as well, but I didn't get to do that.

Call of Duty: World at War has just came out and I already have it in my game mastering hands. I'll be sure to provide you guys with a decent review soon enough. Till next time, take care.

Thursday, November 6, 2008