Monday, December 13, 2010

COD Black ops: All RC clan members... Will you accept the call?

Greetings to all Kentucky gamers and especially all those who recognize that the RC clan has risen yet again to dominate the new world of Call of Duty: Black Ops. I posted this website as the official website of our clan on

If you are interested in joining the RC clan there are a few things that you need to do. First you must update or create a login for gamebattles. This has not always went smoothly so if it doesn't work the first time wait a couple hours or the next day. It wouldn't work for me last night and then it did this morning so I think they are working on some bugs within their updated system.

Next make sure you have an xbox live gamertag uploaded on your gamebattles profile. This is important because I can't accept you into the team until you have a gamertag posted.

Finally make sure that you keep looking at your inbox for possible team recruitments. I already have put out requests for several RC clan members who have played with us before. Just keep looking and if you don't see anything just comment me back with your gamerbattles username and I'll make sure that I send it to you quickly.

It's that time again guys and I think we can really have lots of fun with this. I'm hoping to get this working within the week and we can discuss how many times we wanna look for matches. We can pick our specific days that would work and we could have a couple different teams for those who can play on different days. Just want to do my best to accommodate as many people as possible because I remember playing together on COD 4 and I'm sure you all remember how much fun that was for everyone who played together. It's just not as good without guys to play with. So drop me a line on gamerbattles or on here. PEACE!