Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Kentucky Sports

I was just recently talking with some friends about how I love to play sports. I know many of you are just like me and love to play as well. It seems that every now and then you will run into a tournament or league that is starting up but it is only by chance that you even hear about it.

How great would it be to have a central place you could come to, for all of this information. Such as "oh there is a 3 on 3 basketball tournament in Russell County", "oh a big relay for life event in Adair County", "a volleyball league is trying to get started" so on and so forth. Well my hope is that http://www.kentuckygamers.com/ and/or the kentuckygamers group I create on facebook will be that place.

I'm always coming up with crazy ideas I just hope this is a good one! I will need help and may not be the best for the job, but if something is going on in Kentucky and you want to let people know about it or your just looking for something to do maybe this will become "the spot" Please be patient as I give this a shot!
So if you have a big event coming up email it to me at bennettforce@gmail.com and I'll see what I can do to get it on the website!

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