Friday, August 8, 2008


Just to follow up on the posts of my fellow paintballers, I have played 4 times already in the last 2 or 3 weeks. I'm hooked. It's something I've wanted to do since I heard about it many years ago, and it's even more fun than I expected it to be. What I'd like to do is get a list of guys and their phone #'s together so we can get a more regular thing going. Everyone that plays seems to absolutely love it and always ask to be called whenever we play again.

I'd love to get at least one evening during the week to play until dark while we still have some daylight. I was thinking Tuesday would probably be the best night would probably be the most common night for everyone. There just isn't alot going on this night of the week.

We've been playing alot in Tim Wade's parents' woods. He has 3 nice sets of woods that we've used and each presents its own set of challenges. I'm sure everyone thats played would agree with me in saying thank you to Tim and his parents for allowing us to play there. They are very cool about letting us come play whenever.

If any locals read this and are interested in playing, leave your name and number on the comments section and I will add you to the list of paintballers. It would be sweet to get some clans together in real life ala COD4. We could then have real life "Team Deathmatch".

I will try to start bringing a camera along to the paintball wars so we can start making player sweet is that, coupled with Rollin's idea of stat keeping? Are you kidding me?!!

Here is a list of some of the guys that have been playing and are interested in getting into it more seriously:

Myself (Eric Hart)
Eric Bennett
Rollin McFarland
Daniel Eubank
Brian Withers
Tim Wade
Sam Wade
Anthony Carnes
Anthony Jasper
Roy Withers
Jacob Cook
JR Bertram
Eric Withers
Brian's other brother....sorry can't remember name
a few other guys I can't remember their names.

One last thing to remember, it's not cool when your gun is shooting above 300 ft./second. You can seriously hurt someone or even break their goggles. So make sure those guns are turned down. I had the skin break last time in about three different places last time we played because I won't mention any names uhem BRIAN AND JASPER, had their guns cranked up to around 400. OUCH!! Sams poor arm looked awful. 300 and below only leaves a nice colorful bruise which is fine.

Until the next time, this is H.


BennettForce said...

I like the way your thinking H! Good stuff!

WookieeC said...

This is Charlie Wooldridge, and add me to that list. I know this is an old article.. but thought I'd comment anyway.